(opens in a new tab)https://www.vivaculture.org/wp/permaculture-design-live-consultation/https://www.vivaculture.org/wp/permaculture-design-live-consultation/https://www.vivaculture.org/wp/permaculture-design-live-consultation/

Living, learning and teaching ways of being that enhance life, diversity, health and joy.
Practices, technologies, ideas, understandings that encourage and celebrate healthy, living diverse ecosystems and cultures.

Simplify. Slow down. Pro biotic. Regenerative. Web Weaving. Viva economics, Life economy.
We are at the crossroads. We must turn toward ways of living that support the web of life on earth. The yearning, the efforts, the ideas and philosophies that lead us in that direction abound. They sprout from youth and wisdom. They are inspired by the natural world. They are powered by love.

We endeavor to transform the economy to embrace the absolute necessity of encouraging the culture of life. A money system that is fed by extraction, pollution and the selling of the future is obsolete now. The new economy must value the creation and protection of healthy, diverse ecosystems and all that leads us there.

We visualize creating and enhancing food systems that mimic nature, providing nourishment and habitat for many species. We use concepts of permaculture and indigenous land stewardship to guide us in re-creating paradise on earth.

We honor our kinship with all people and all living beings. We know we come from the rocks and the soil. We treasure kindness and mercy toward all life.